Best Outdoor Activities in Wickenburg, AZ

In this pandemic world, it helps to get out and enjoy the sights, smells and sound of nature. It also makes social distancing a lot easier! Below we’ve listed our top picks for outdoor activities in Wickenburg! As we head into fall and the weather cools down throughout Arizona, these activities will give you with a great afternoon of adventure and exploring.  While staying at Los Viajeros Inn in Wickenburg, AZ, please feel free to stop by our front desk and ask our friendly staff for their own recommendations or reviews on our top picks below! You won’t be disappointed with these outdoor activities in Wickenburg, AZ.

  1. Vulture Peak Trail Located a short 15 min drive from Los Viajeros Inn is the Vulture Mountain Recreation Center which sits at the foot of…well…the Vulture Mountains! Enjoy the beautifully picturesque Vulture Peak Trail which snakes it’s way around the Vulture Mountains and ends with a hike to the peak! You can take an easy route and avoid the mountain or for more novice hikers, hike to the top.  On the trail, you’ll see beautiful scenery filled with gorgeous flora and fauna and maybe a vulture or two.
  2. Hassayampa River Preserve A quick 20 min drive down Hwy 60 puts you at Hassayampa River Preserve.  Visitors of Phoenix even take a day trip to enjoy this beautiful spot which we can claim as our own here in Wickenburg. This is a not to be missed spot.  If you want to learn more about the Hassayampa Riber Preserve check out our previous blog post here!
  3. Wickenburg Dog Park Many people claim the pandemic has allowed us to all become much closer to our own families and our furry family members are no exception.  While our dog’s have loved having us home, they also need to get out and socialize like the rest of us after being cooped up for months.  At the Wickenburg dog park, Fido can run around with abandon in their large, safely fenced park with water flowing freely for the pups.  Human friends can enjoy the covered patio area and enjoy their own snacks and beverages while safely conversing with other dog-park goers.  They even have complimentary doggy-doo bags for your convenience!


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